18 MAR 2013 by ideonexus

 Buckminster Fuller on the Concept of God

My definition of the word believe means to accept an explanation of phys¬ ical phenomena without any experiential evidence. At the outset of my re¬ solve not only to do my own thinking but to keep that thinking concerned only with directly experienced evidence, I resolved to abandon completely all that I ever had been taught to beheve. Experience had demonstrated to me that most people had an authority-trusting sense that persuaded them to believingly accept the dogma and legends of one rel...
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He believes the word fails to capture the awesomeness of the universe.

28 MAR 2012 by ideonexus

 Religion has Much to Offer Parents

Religion has much to offer parents: an established community, a predefined set of values, a common lexicon and symbology, rites of passage, a means of engendering wonder, comforting answers to the big questions, and consoling explanations to ease experiences of hardship and loss. But for most secularists, these benefits come at too high a price. Many feel that intellectual integrity is compromised, the word “values” too often turned on its head, an us-versus-them mentality too often reinf...
Folksonomies: parenting atheism
Folksonomies: parenting atheism
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But the community and comfort comes at too high a cost for many secularists.